Book cover of "Learning to Be Loved" by David Bowden and Mart Green, featuring a landscape depicting trees and fields.

Learning to Be Loved

Are you feeling spiritually stuck? Release that frustration and discover a more natural way to relate to God in this biblically grounded, transformative book about how our passionate and creative God offers us gateways--that are already in our lives--to draw us closer to him.

What if intimacy with God doesn't begin with us knocking at God's door but with God knocking down ours? In Learning to Be Loved, author and Spoken Gospel CEO David Bowden and Hobby Lobby's Mart Green remind us that spiritual growth starts not with our giving but with our receiving.

This unique and freeing invitation to respond to God's initiative explores:

  • Common misconceptions that can hold back our spiritual growth

  • Practical "doors"--such as dreams, wounds, and generosity--that are already in your life as ways for you to organically connect with God according to how he has made you

  • A vision of the Christian life that isn't about doing the right things but learning how receiving God's love moves us toward the right things

  • Practices to help you partner with God in living your own spiritual story rather than always comparing yourself to other people

Combining David's careful study and poetic voice with Mart's decades of wisdom about the simplicity of a life lived toward God, Learning to Be Loved unites biblical rigor and personal experience to show that intimacy with God isn't based on our ability to connect with him--but on all the ways he is constantly connecting with us.

Book cover of "Rewire Your Heart" by David Bowden, featuring an anatomical heart illustration with circuit-like designs against a blue background.

Rewire Your Heart

Bible teacher and acclaimed spoken-word artist David Bowden reveals the secret to winning the battle with sin.

Many Christians believe the only way to fight sin is to grit our teeth, strengthen our resolve, and rise above the onslaught of temptation. But in reality, we have a far better weapon in our struggle with sin than the will-power mantras associated with diet and exercise. This weapon is not saying "no" to sin but saying "yes" to God. In Rewire Your Heart, David Bowden helps us discover God's plan to overcoming sin by rewiring our desires with the Gospel. When we invite the Holy Spirit to transform our underlying affections with the good news of Jesus, we begin to break free from the patterns of sin, guilt, and determination, and discover the richer fulfillment found in joyfully obeying God's commands.

Book cover of "When God Isn't There: Why God Is Farther Than You Think, But Closer Than You Dare Imagine" by David Bowden with bold text against a black background.

When God Isn’t There

Why does God feel so far away? Why is my worship so empty? Has God left me?

David Bowden knows these questions firsthand, having wrestled for years with God’s apparent absence and studying what the Bible says about it. In this new book, Bowden tackles the subject head-on, finding the key to understanding it in the Bible’s depiction of a God who is infinitely far from us, free to move where he wants, but who chooses to come near in the person of Jesus.

A resource of encouragement for those who struggle with feeling God’s absence and a wake-up call to those who take God’s presence for granted, When God Isn’t There will forever change your understanding of why God sometimes seems to vanish and how he can be found again.